Something cool from the web


Today’s post is a bit different…

I found a nice little website that let’s you listen to music from around the world by decade.… That is “radio” with 5 lmn’0’s…  You pick the country and the decade, anywhere from the 1900s to today, and it serves a selection of the top music played in that country during the decade.  It also lets you choose from “slow”, “fast”, and “weird” music or a mixture.

The site is still in beta, so you will find a bit of quirkiness and things that just seem a bit off, but it IS fairly stable. Due to the shrinking of the hair shaft, no new hair can grow viagra cost in india from the main follicle. This prediction was nowhere close to being accurate as many people became a victim of impotency and were losing the most important fun of their life, some men were enjoying the sexual to its cialis australia highest level. This is the medicine that cures the symptoms associated with impotency by blocking the activities of PDE-5 to prevent and/or cure erectile getting viagra in canada dysfunction. You need to ensure intake 100mg viagra online of balanced diet.  So… give it a shot, you just might find a bit of gold from yesteryear in… um…. Tanzania…

One thought on “Something cool from the web

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