I know you’ve seen lots of lists floating about, however, I will say that the following 10 things I have seen just today on my news feed. So…
In today’s age it is all too easy to find out anything you wish about people from their social posts. Prospective employers, college admission officers, business parters, prospective dates, friends… They are all able to see much more about you than you would believe by a casual perusal of your and your friends’ Facebook pages. In fact, some Insurance agencies and banks are even known to check Facebook before issuing policies or loans to determine whether applicants indulge in risky behaviors.
Even if you believe that you are covered because you have your “Privacy settings” properly set, you can never be completely sure how others are treating or sharing your posts. It only takes a few “Likes” for hundreds of people you have never met to see what you are doing or have said.
The only absolute way to stay out of trouble is to NEVER post anything that is even slightly inappropriate or controversial, but honestly… well, that just won’t happen. It is far too easy to make an innocent comment that turns quickly into something you never intended, and it is essentially there forever, somewhere.
While this list only covers a few things that I have noticed recently posted by my own “Friends” list or that they have commented upon in their “Friends” lists, it isn’t exhaustive by any means…
If you are looking at this on a mobile device, it may take tapping twice to open the explanations of the individual items on the list.
1. Talk badly about your employer or fellow employees.
More and more businesses are connected now. The probability that your rant about so and so who never refills the coffee pot, or that boss who always asks for a report 5 minutes before you are to leave for the day WILL get back to them. It will do nothing to change the behavior, and will only foster office hostility. In fact, it may result in the loss of your job. Unless this your goal, this sort of thing is better left for your best friend or that call with your mother where you search your brain for something to say.
2. Post embarrassing photos of other people.
It may seem like a great prank right now, but you need to assume that the Internet is forever. It takes just a few likes for the picture to start showing in more places than you can imagine. And it only takes one of those people who see it to right click it, save it to their desktop, and use it somewhere else. That photo could then cause the loss of a job, relationship woes, or worse as it continues to circulate. Years from now it could pop back up to be seen by children or grandchildren of that person. The best practice is to pause and imagine that someone else had the same photo of you… would you want it forever available to anyone to see? In other words, apply the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…
On the same note…
3. Post too many questionable photos of yourself.
Most of our feeds contain several party photos, with a drink or a cigarette in our hands. The issue is not the occasional photo, it is how these can build up over time, particularly for college students. Even if your beverage was a soft drink, you could be caste in a disparaging light by association. Take a look at your own photos and those others have tagged you in to be sure that your online footprint doesn’t give the wrong impression, and hide some if need be to give a better view. Remember that a potential employer or date may only have this impression of you before they meet you in person.
Spoiler title
Your birth year, your mother’s maiden name, your favorite or first pet, your first school, your birth city. I know that some of these are in the “Profile information” that Facebook collects and asks everyone. Find the security setting and hide these details now! Why? Go to your Online banking and select “Forgot my Password.” What does it ask for? Your mother’s maiden name? Your favorite pet? Your birth city? The year you were born? Other places you’ve lived? My bet is that most anything they will ask is right there in your Facebook profile… In other words, all a hacker needs is to be your “Friend.” As an aside, when you do get those Security Questions at websites, be sure to select the really weird ones, and make the answers something that truly only you would know.
5. Talk about your upcoming Vacation and post while you are away from home.
I’m sure that all of your “Friends” are perfectly trustworthy upright citizens, but can you be sure of their “Friends?” I’m sure that you REALLY want to brag or even just inform your friends that you’ll be away for 2 weeks on a cruise, but be aware that what you have really done is told any would-be criminals that your house will be a prime target for 2 weeks. Call or text those that actually NEED to know, and wait until you return before you share those photos.
And while on the subject…
6. Brag about your fabulous new purchase or gift.
Just as bad as telling the world that your home will be empty is telling it that you have a new 70-inch 4k television, or a new piece of jewelry that you only wear on special occasions. While you are at it, you may as well just give an inventory of other things a burglar may want to be sure to look for as they rifle through your home.
The following should go without saying, but… from the look of my feed, it HAS TO BE SAID…
7. One-liner political or religious opinions.
Of course you have opinions. I won’t comment on whether they are good or bad. I won’t even comment on how much I detest having to scroll through all of them, but… If you are going to post them, make completely sure that you explain what you are saying. It is VERY easy to misconstrue short posts, and to thereby alienate friends and family, or even to cause workplace riffs. A well worded and complete explanation of whatever it is that you feel you must say will always go over better than a cryptic one-liner that could easily be taken 14 different ways. Whatever you do, be absolutely sure that you are okay with the fallout BEFORE you post…if you need time to think about it, go buy some toothpaste and squeeze it out on the counter then think about what you were going to say while putting the toothpaste back into the tube (It will be far easier than overcoming those thoughtless words).
8. Profanity.
There are definitely situations that beg for profane language, and it may well even be expected. However, pointless and continual use of expletives drains them of their power and just makes you look crass… Don’t be crass.
9. Post other's news before they have the chance.
This may go without saying to many people, but it seems all too common. If the other person has news that just NEEDS to get out there, wait for them to ask you to post it. Causing a family crisis because Grandma learned that she is about to be a Great-Grandma before she could be told in person is needless. Wait a while… it isn’t that difficult.
10. TMI.
Yes… Facebook is rife with “too much information.” Be absolutely sure that you want the world to know about the results of your colonoscopy, or that horrible object that you found in your child’s room (because it may well follow him or her the rest of their life).
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In reference to number 8… FUCK that. 🙂 People can think what they want.
lol… you are always an exception…
Your screen name says you get me. 😉